Welcome to
Birmingham Scouting

The Scout Association County of Birmingham is a modern, forward looking, co–educational youth movement, working with over 4,900 young people, throughout the city, and Sutton Coldfield from many faiths and backgrounds.

It is supported by over 1,900 volunteers working in 87 individual Scout Groups brought together into six administrative Districts. We also work closely with our colleagues in the other Scout Counties throughout the West Midlands region.

The organisation is led by the County Commissioner, Steve Thomas and a County Team of specialist advisers. There is also an Executive Committee chaired by Dave Allen.

Scouting is a worldwide educational movement for young people, which around the world has over 28 million members operating in 216 different Countries. It contributes to the fulfillment of young people by using a progressive and enjoyable values based programme of personal development.

Scouting is also about fun and friendship, learning through doing, developing respect for yourself and for others, valuing the community in which you live and making a positive contribution to society.

The County also owns and runs a modern activity centre at Blackwell Court near Bromsgrove and an adventurous camp site and water activities centre (Pikes Pool) close to Blackwell Court.


We sincerely hope that you find this web site useful and informative. You should be able to locate your nearest Scout Group from our interactive map and find all the information about events, activities and much more throughout this site, if you have any problems or difficulties then please do not hesitate to contact us via telephone or email.

What is Scouting?

The Scout Association offers everyday adventure and activity to almost 400,000 young people across the UK. The Movement is the largest co–educational youth organisation in the world, with over 28 million Members in 216 countries and territories.

In the UK Scouting is organised through The Scout Association and has a clear purpose:

To help young people achieve their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens and as Members of their local, national and international communities.

Our commitment

In Scouting, our adults have a responsibility to make sure that the Programme is fun and exciting. We must also make sure that it is safe. The Scout Association’s policies, rules, code of behaviour, advice on Safeguarding and safety policy are there to ensure our young people stay safe while they enjoy themselves and learn.

Who can be a Scout?

Scouting is open to all young people aged 4 to 25 of every faith and background. There are also plenty of opportunities for adults to become involved as Leaders, Assistants or Administrators.

About our work

Even if we can’t solve all the problems in the world, we can help to make it a better place.

Our method for giving young people the opportunity to learn by doing is called the Programme. The Programme is a continuous progression of training, activities and awards that covers everything that young people do in Scouting from the age of 4 to 25.

Scouting works well when young people enjoy learning by working in partnership with adults. They do this by:

  • taking part in a variety of activities and new experiences
  • exploring the outdoors
  • participating in teams
  • taking responsibility

Scouting works well when young people enjoy learning by working in partnership with adults. They do this by:

  • taking part in a variety of activities and new experiences
  • exploring the outdoors
  • participating in teams
  • taking responsibility

Our County team

Birmingham has a team of people who work hard to provide activities, information and support to the county.

Steve Thomas

County Commissioner

Richard Berry

ACC Beavers

Matt Sambrook

ACC Cubs

Annie Sambrook

ACC Cubs

Amelia Connolly

ACC Scouts

More of our great team

Steve Thomas
County Commissioner

Dave Allen
County Chairman

Tracey James
County Treasurer

Jamal Syed
Deputy County Commissioner - Programme

Mary Mills
Safeguarding Co–ordinator

Paul Barlow
ACC (International)

Alison Hughes
ACC Inclusion

Paul Brettell
Water Activities Advisor

Tom Parkin
Climbing Advisor

Dan Fowler
D of E Advisor

Chief Scout's Award Administrator

EAACounty Scout / Explorer Activity Administrator
Please contact us if you are interested in applying for the role.

John Saville
County Patron

Stuart Griffiths
ACC Support (Technology)

Birmingham Scout County archive

Much of the County’s history has been recorded in the Scout Association’s digital archive and can be viewed below along with copies of our Annual Reports